An Ayurvedic diet is designed to bring balance to the body and mind. It centers on balancing the 6 tastes found in different food groups. We will explore some of the basics of an Ayurvedic diet and discuss key kitchen ingredients, spices, herbs and cooking methods.
In this 3 hour workshop you can expect to: - learn the key qualities & tastes of some everyday food groups and how you can use them - practice how to prepare an ayurvedic breakfast, lunch dinner & snack options - receive handouts of the recipes for all the meals that are practiced - discuss how to increase efficiency by making dishes that can be creatively used across meals - share these freshly prepared meals with a refreshing chai
Cost: $80. Places are limited & bookings essential. At Yoga in Daily Life Richmond.
OR $140 for the workshop and a personal Ayurvedic consultation or 45 minute Ayurvedic massage (for anytime after 3 June)