Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Late Autumn, early Winter: adapting to the change

Ayurvedic wisdom places a significant focus on the connection between nature’s seasons and the doshic balance within us. Staying mindful of the time of year and adjusting your routine can help to keep imbalances at bay.

The key is proactively managing the elemental balance that fluctuates in each season. For instance, pitta dosha increases in late spring as the weather warms up and we start to approach summer season, so you’d incorporate more cooling foods and lifestyle practices. Similarly, while we might have been managing vata dosha through early to mid autumn, we’d now slowly shift gears as the weather becomes cooler, wetter and more earthy in late Autumn nearing the approach of winter in Australia (mid-end May).

To adapt, gradually start to incorporate more foods that are warming vs cold, dry vs wet, light vs heavy / dense into your diet. Please see a list of suggested foods here. You might also consider adding spices and herbs with these properties into your meals: Turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, coriander, thyme, oregano.

A good rule of thumb is to gradually shift to meals and daily routines that are more warming and invigorating. Gradually, because that is the pace that nature is also taking. It is not yet winter but it is more cool and wet on balance than it is dry and erratic. Then, as you approach the end of May consider a light seasonal cleanse at the ‘ritu sandi’ period - the juncture or point where two seasons meet. In essence it is a period of cleansing or detoxing any accumulations from one season before welcoming the other. Read more on ritu sandi and seasonal cleansing here.

Remember to always listen to your body in these practices – it is your best guide. Adjusting to kapha balancing may not be for you if there is an excess of other elements in the system. This can be observed through your digestive comfort, sleep, state of mind and focus, emotional stability, skin health and more. Check in with us if you’d like to have a chat or a consultation, by sending a message here or booking in below.