Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Light over Dark, Good over Evil

We are all witnessing the unfolding of evil, cruelty and unjustness in Gaza on a daily basis and as I have watched, along with the world I have continued  my daily life-doings. It is the most conflicting of all feelings to sit here, helpless. The fear, anxiety, horror, anger I am experiencing cannot even come close to what must be felt by those in direct line of fire, by their families and loved ones all over the world. Yet, the human spirit within many of us is hurting and in pain too. Sitting with this feeling of pain is, in the tiniest of ways, an honouring of the experiences of Palestinians in Gaza right now. 

The other way may be to donate what is possible - there are many organisations such as Doctors Without Borders and other larger and smaller organisations offering ways for us to help. If you are able to, this can help to relieve that helplessness. 

If you are unable to donate, there are many other ways to help both yourself and others around you. Talk about the pain, talk about how it can stop, try walking together in solidarity. Importantly also, take breaks from it if you are able to - reach out to a friend or loved one that may be struggling thorugh this and see if you can listen or be present for them; ask for help if YOU need it yourself. Switch off media, particularly first thing in the morning or late at night. Following along is important, so that Gaza never goes unheard but allow yourself the space to breathe as you absorb it. Check-out from time to time, so that you can centre yourself too. Life must go on in the most respectful way possible so that when the help we want to give is ready to be received, we can give from full cups. 

If you have been impacted in any way and are unsure where to go, please know that we meditate weekly at our wellness centre; please come and sit with us as our guest. The group is always kind and welcoming. Contact us here.

I was reflecting on the meaning behind the festival of lights, Deepavali. This is a celebration of Light over Dark, the triumph of Good over Evil. There is nothing to celebrate here, nothing but the hope and faith that lightness and goodness will prevail and that the endless rage and bombardment of innocents will cease now. They are innocents with nothing left to give but their Prana and right to live and breathe. This must stop now. Let us continue to shine our prayers, support, all that we can do to help. 

Tiny drops of water, make a mighty ocean. Allow the power within each of us to create the ocean of humanity that is so very needed to heal and save every baby, child, woman, man, the earth, flora and fauna being destroyed as we speak. 

Much peace and love to all.