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Ayurveda & Holistic Well being Consultations - Ananda Wellness

Bespoke consultations and wellbeing packages. Our solutions include counselling & talk therapy, nutrition & meal planning, lifestyle coaching, massage, yoga and meditation


Please note, as at 17 Aug 2024:

Niveen is currently on Maternity Leave, returning March 04 2025.

While she will remain across your questions and feedback with weekly email and team check ins throughout this time each week, she will return to client support only in March.

She has put much thought and care into bringing the best care team together to hold space for you while she is away. Please see our ‘About Us’ page for backgrounds of our therapist team or individual service pages for key contact points.

Consultations and counselling ONLY will be on hold until Niveen returns in March.

Gita Larissa will continue to provide Reiki healing as well as Ayurvedic Massage; Rachel will continue to provide Ayurvedic Massage and Prenatal (Pregnancy) Abhyanga


personalised well-being consultations

Stress, lifestyle choices, and hereditary pre dispositions lead to doshic imbalances that affect digestion and the healthy functioning of the body and its organs. This leads to a number of ailments including constipation, IBS, gastric ulcers, haemorrhoids, heartburn, migraines, insomnia, lower/middle/upper back pain and neck pain and can cause depression, anxiety and stress.

These ailments can remedied by getting the digestive and evacuative processes of the body into balance through lifestyle changes, healthful eating, nutritional impact, yoga, meditation, massage and herbal therapies.

Come in and discuss your health concerns and goals, to have a full assessment of your individual circumstance with a personalised consultation and follow up treatment. 

A full Ayurvedic consultation involves a 75 minute assessment addressing health history, ailments, diet, current lifestyle and daily routines. We will also do a check of your eyes, tongue, skin and discuss vital functions such as bowel movements. A step-by-step program with a targeted end date and stage-by-stage objectives is then designed including a meal plan, yoga & meditation schedule as well as recommended herbal aides and massage therapies. A Plan Implementation Support Package is then recommended to implement the plan into your daily life (see details below).

Counselling, Reiki, Massage Treatments or 1:1 yoga and meditation classes can also be organised where necessary.

Ongoing support with phone check-ins are offered at no cost for the duration of your plan. 


Full Ayurvedic assessment and step-by-step plan for overall wellbeing addressing lifestyle, nutrition and meal plans, daily routines, yoga & meditation.

PLAN IMPLEMENTATION - $220 (Price includes GST)

This includes two 45 minute follow up consultations (One at the start and one at the end of the program) and weekly email check-ins (across 6-8 weeks or more - no extra charge for extensions) to monitor your progress and guide you as you work through. This is very helpful in keeping you on track, having a check in point and importantly, for motivation. You don’t have to do this alone!

We will review & discuss your plan, discuss lifestyle change strategies, routines, meal plans, menus, herbal aides and talk through suggested yoga, pranayama, meditation or mental health management techniques.

An individualised yoga & meditation class, counselling & reiki session or treatment / massage can also be organised.

On going support with phone check-ins are offered at no cost for the duration of your plan.


SEASONAL CHECK IN/ PLAN UPDATE- 60 MIN, $110 (Price includes GST)

Existing clients that have had an assessment and bespoke plan created, are welcome to a plan refresh at the change of the season. This includes an assessment of current state of balance, and a plan update to align their individual constitution to the season covering lifestyle, diet and detoxing to prepare for the season ahead.

Popular times of year are:

August or September for Spring planning
November or December for Summer planning
February or March for Autumn planning
May or June for Winter planning