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Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Cooking Class in Fairfield!

  • Ananda Wellness Australia 85 Gillies Street Fairfield, VIC, 3078 Australia (map)

Our Sri Lankan Cooking workshops have been a popular event over the years and we are excited to announce our first one at our new location in FAIRFIELD!

Join us for a Friday evening of food, chats and fun as we explore some of the basics of a Sri Lankan and an Ayurvedic diet, discuss key kitchen ingredients, spices, herbs and cooking methods and then learn to make a few dishes perfect for breakfast, lunch and the Winter Season in Australia (June-Sept)

As this is a special first time event in Fairfield, we’ll also do a traditional blessing ceremony and a healing ritual for each of us in the group along with the cooking of the meals, to nourish our body and spirit in preparation for winter!

A wonderful way to end the week: connecting with others feeling grounded and surrounded by fun, food and laughter - come enjoy a meal and chai with plenty of chats and soul time.

In this 2.5 hour workshop you can expect to:
 - learn the key qualities & tastes of some everyday food groups and how you can use them
 - practice how to prepare a wholesome, delicious ayurvedic meal & dessert / snack menu the Sri Lankan way!
 - receive handouts of the recipes for all the meals that are practiced
 - participate in a blessing and healing ritual as we prepare for winter in Melbourne
 - share these freshly prepared meals with a refreshing chai at the end of workshop

When: Friday, 21 June, 6-8.30pm

Where: 85 Gillies St, Fairfield. VIC 3078

Cost: $95 (includes everything) + $3 booking fee on TryBooking. Places are limited & bookings essential.

Any questions? Contact us here. Booking link is below.