Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Chyvanprasam: Rejuvenative and Immunity Boosting

Cold, wet and ‘heavy’ winter months are a great time to boost the digestive strength and nurture the body and mind to create a healthy immune system. 

If you are looking to complement your daily routine with a yummy rejuvenative supplement, consider a daily dose of Chyvanprasam. This is a dark, rich herbal lehyam (jam form or malty form made with jaggery or sugars) that is sweet, sour, tangy and a little bit peppery. The jam is made with a powerful blend of Ayurvedic herbs, as well as honey and ghee which are ‘anupana’ that help to carry all of these nutrients to the body tissue. One of its star ingredients is amalaki (Indian gooseberry) which is an excellent source of Vitamin C which is rejuvenative and anti-oxidant. All in all, this formulation is great for immunity, respiratory function, supports the digestive function and boosts skin health, by supporting rasa (plasma) and rakta (blood) tissue. 

Chyvanaprasam is a great tonic for winter months but can be enjoyed all year round and is safe for the whole family. Try a teaspoon in the morning just prior to or with meals, either by itself or mixed into warm water or milk. Avoid in case of diabetes (current or predisposed) as well as feeling any indigestion, if you are prone to any loose bowel motions or feel any internal heatiness. Always avoid any of these herbs if pregnant and only take after discussing with your health practitioner. 

If you’d like to discuss further, please contact us here or to have a full ayurvedic consultation please book in below.