Recipes - Ananda Wellness

Check out our delicious and healthy Ayurvedic food, drink, tea and condiment recipes for every season

Posts tagged cooking with friends
Warming Buckwheat porridge for cold winter days

Buckwheat is, despite it’s name, is not a wheat or even a grain but a seed, harvested from a flowering plant. The harvested kernels have excellent culinary and nutritional properties. They offer great bite and texture to salads or as a complex carb side dish, in porridges and soups. They are great for lowering ‘bad’ cholesterol, provide heaps of dietary fibre, and are an excellent source of magnesium, manganese and copper. They are also gluten free!

From an ayurvedic perspective, buckwheat is particularly beneficial for Kapha dosha, as its drying and heating nature balance the cold and wet properties of Kapha. The diuretic property it offers helps to remove excess water in the body - great for water retention, congestion and sluggishness!

For this recipe I used buckwheat flour but you could easily soak the groats / kernels overnight and then blend in water the next day to create smooth paste ready to make into porridge.

Throw in some winter fruit and seed for added flavour and texture (as long as made with plant milk. If using dairy, avoid fruit)

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