Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


A simple tip for managing mindsets in lockdown

Lockdown after lockdown has worn many of us out. We are over talking about it yet it’s always in every conversation. Limited movement, possibilities; tiring. One thing I have returned to whenever I can in the week is to observe nature - the tranquility that birds, insects, trees & plants seem to maintain whilst things around us, and them, change so much has a stabilising, assuring quality.
I picked a beautiful bunch of lavender on a walk yesterday and have placed the cuttings - stems, leaves, flowers - in a few rooms at home. Their scent and colours are a reminder of the peace that is available to us anytime. Simple, with no conditions to fulfil in order to receive - it is there. Each time I pass these and inhale now I am reminded to come back to simplicity. This has become a nice way for me to feel uplifted in these times and I hope it inspires you to find your way and share it with others too ♥️
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