Lockdown Self Care
As we move through what seems like an endless loop of lockdowns it is easily to feel flat, disappointed, worn out and lacking motivation. Remember that not every day will be the same - today may be low, tomorrow upbeat. Remind yourself ‘this too shall pass’; remember the journey is never linear - in fact most times it is the opposite, and listen to what your body and mind are asking you to do to keep life light even in the smallest way…
-Move with yoga, walks, runs, weights, pilates, tai chi, free form crazy dancing.. whatever works
-Breathe, reflect, journal, stay still
-Create - cook, write, sketch, design, DIY, dream something up
-Nurture - yourself, a loved one, a pet, a plant, your home by feeding, tending, mending, salving, nourishing….
-Reach out - give your time and ears to others and remember to give yourself the same chance to be heard
-Switch off the news - just get the essentials and then say goodbye.