Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Where the mind goes, the Prana follows

Pracchardana vidharanabhyam va pranasya

The Sage Patanjali says that to bring peace to the mind, watch and regulate the breath. In the practice of Hatha yoga, this is one of the main aims: to control the movement of the Prana, through breathing. To practice, begin with a deep inhalation and exhalation and then watch the breath move in and out, slowly. This is an observation of prana-apana - the force moving up is prana and the force moving down is apana. Both ayurveda and hatha yoga focus on the balance of these two forces to find equilibrium and peace

“Where the mind goes, the Prana follows” (Thirumoolar, South Indian Saint) - when your mind is agitated you find the breathing heavy and jagged. When the mind is focused and deep in concentration, the breathing is barely sensed, even stopping. This is called kevala kumbhuka or the automatic retention of the breath without effort.

If this regulation is possible through concentration, the reverse is possible also: if you regulate the Prana, you can regulate the mind. Next time you are agitated or frazzled, focus your mind on your breathing and watch it flow... and then watch as you find serenity.

Adapted from the teaching of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (Book One, Samadhi Pada)

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