Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.

Posts tagged Victoria
Managing doshic balance during airplane flights

Keeping the doshas balanced during and after long airplane flights can be tricky, as we sit in tightly packed and poorly ventilated, cold and dry spaces for extended periods, moving through space. This can aggravate our Vata dosha made up of the air and space elements that are also cold, dry, rough, mobile and erratic; inviting insomnia, dehydration, constipation, tiredness and jet lag into our lives.

The ayurvedic way can be useful in rebalancing this, making travelling easier on both the mind and body. Here are some travel ideas from a recent trip with a long flight to and from Sri Lanka to Melbourne.

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Special offer for Ayurvedic Massage in June and July: Winter Kapha Focused Treatments

To help prepare for Winter, we are offering a 10% discount on Ayurvedic consultations and Massage focused on ‘kapha’ balancing - think warming, invigorating, uplifting massage.

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Exploring Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

Keeping the doshas balanced during and after long airplane flights can be tricky, as we sit in tightly packed and poorly ventilated, cold and dry spaces for extended periods, moving through space. This can aggravate our Vata dosha made up of the air and space elements that are also cold, dry, rough, mobile and erratic; inviting insomnia, dehydration, constipation, tiredness and jet lag into our lives.

The ayurvedic way can be useful in rebalancing this, making travelling easier on both the mind and body. Here are some travel ideas from a recent trip with a long flight to and from Sri Lanka to Melbourne.

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Surya Bhedi Pranayama

According to the Hatha yoga pradipika, Surya bhedi pranayama or right nostril breathing is one of the most beneficial pranayama (breath work) techniques in activating and energising the body. In Ayurveda too, this pranayama technique is used to dispel a kapha vitiation leading to lethargy, sluggishness, low energy, low motivation and a feeling of dullness.

The focus of this pranayama technique is to activate the surya or ‘sun’ element in your body, via the right nostril and ‘Pingala’ nadi which aligns with the vitality of the sun.

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A guide to Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

Alternate nostril breathing (From Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

These techniques have a calming effect and relieve anxiety, improves concentration and stimulates ajna chakra. The ratio 1:1 in stage 1 establishes a calming rhythm for the brain and heart, assisting people with cardiovascular and nervous disorders specifically, and stress-related conditions generally. As the count is extended, the breath slows down. The respiration becomes more efficient because the air flow is smoother and less turbulent. This ratio helps people with respiratory problems such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis.

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A sample Winter meal plan, spices and herbs

Kapha aggravations can impact the health of the kidneys, lungs, mucus membranes, bladder, fluid content. It can lead to swellings, heaviness and accumulations of mucus in the body. It increased by the salty, sour and sweet tastes e.g. salt, citrus fruits and refined sugars. Kapha is decreased by pungent, bitter and astringent tastes (e.g. turmeric, bitter green, black tea, ginger).

Here is a sample meal plan, herbs and spices to consider in winter months.

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Asana to Activate the Ajna Chakra

On my most recent trip to Sri Lanka I attended one of my mum’s yoga classes and learned this fantastic asana to help activate the ajna chakra, which is located between the eyebrows and is indigo in colour.

It governs insight, intuition and the function of brain, ears, eyes and the hypothalamus, which works with the pituitary gland to secrete and regulate a number of hormones. When it is at its full potential you are more able to stay calm under pressure, think more clearly and decisively, become more self aware and able to tap into your gut voice and intuition. It brings deep calm and steadiness.

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