Keeping the doshas balanced during and after long airplane flights can be tricky, as we sit in tightly packed and poorly ventilated, cold and dry spaces for extended periods, moving through space. This can aggravate our Vata dosha made up of the air and space elements that are also cold, dry, rough, mobile and erratic; inviting insomnia, dehydration, constipation, tiredness and jet lag into our lives.
The ayurvedic way can be useful in rebalancing this, making travelling easier on both the mind and body. Here are some travel ideas from a recent trip with a long flight to and from Sri Lanka to Melbourne.
Read MoreAn Abhyanga Session is a distinct form of bodywork, and it isn't quite the same as a regular massage, even though some might refer to it as an "oil massage." It doesn't focus solely on working out muscle knots but also involves long, smooth, deep strokes along with potent oils to boost energy circulation and help the body regain vitality, easing out soreness, boosting circulation for greater healing. This technique is perfect for athletes, those sore and tired from long desk hours and especially for postpartum mamas.
Read MoreEvolution stems from the union and realisation of purusha and prakriti from a state of primordial stillness
Purusha = Masculine energy; passive awareness, the silent observer, the witness
Prakriti = Feminine Energy; unmanifested seed holding the potential for all of creation, all the attributes of experience.
Prakriti is the innate seed of potential + Purusha for the seed to be opened.
Masculine = doing, seeing. Feminine = innate qualities, all potential lies within.
Many of us today exercise a stronger dominance of the masculine, the doing. When you are stuck in the overactive masculine, your worth then becomes linked to how much you achieve.
To validate this worth we need to keep doing, proving to feel satisfied, enough.
Activation of the feminine is simply remembering your worth is INNATE.
This looks like connecting with your body by listening to it, slowing down, staying receptive to support, connection, love, flow, trusting. It’s open and flowing, non-linear.
Read MoreKeeping the doshas balanced during and after long airplane flights can be tricky, as we sit in tightly packed and poorly ventilated, cold and dry spaces for extended periods, moving through space. This can aggravate our Vata dosha made up of the air and space elements that are also cold, dry, rough, mobile and erratic; inviting insomnia, dehydration, constipation, tiredness and jet lag into our lives.
The ayurvedic way can be useful in rebalancing this, making travelling easier on both the mind and body. Here are some travel ideas from a recent trip with a long flight to and from Sri Lanka to Melbourne.
Read MoreCombining kriyas with classic hatha asana (posture) and pranayama (breath)
This asana here is Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend) that stretches the muscles in the lower back, hip, hamstrings, and shoulders. It is derived from the Sanskrit words Ardha=half, Baddha=bound, Padma=lotus, Uttana=intense stretch, and asana=pose. This is an intense forward bend pose that is in the combination of Ardha Padmasana and Uttanasana. To build up to it, start to practice half lotus and standing forward bends and then begin to combine them, starting by wrapping the arm around the body before progressing to reaching for the foot. A great way to develop balance, stability and flexibility. It activates the solar plexus chakra, and stimulates the ajna and crown chakras due to the inversion.
According to the Hatha yoga pradipika, Surya bhedi pranayama or right nostril breathing is one of the most beneficial pranayama (breath work) techniques in activating and energising the body. In Ayurveda too, this pranayama technique is used to dispel a kapha vitiation leading to lethargy, sluggishness, low energy, low motivation and a feeling of dullness.
The focus of this pranayama technique is to activate the surya or ‘sun’ element in your body, via the right nostril and ‘Pingala’ nadi which aligns with the vitality of the sun.
Read MoreDeveloping alternate pathways or themes and mapping these out can help to understand what areas in our lives need attention and what is already working well to guide our energy and resources to where it is needed most.
This is some of narrative therapy in action, supported by the ancient wisdom of the sutras (an area of interest for some clients in particular). This technique can be particularly helpful for those struggling with Anxiety, Attachment issues, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Depression, Eating disorders, Grief, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Read MoreAlternate nostril breathing (From Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)
These techniques have a calming effect and relieve anxiety, improves concentration and stimulates ajna chakra. The ratio 1:1 in stage 1 establishes a calming rhythm for the brain and heart, assisting people with cardiovascular and nervous disorders specifically, and stress-related conditions generally. As the count is extended, the breath slows down. The respiration becomes more efficient because the air flow is smoother and less turbulent. This ratio helps people with respiratory problems such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis.
Read MoreKapha aggravations can impact the health of the kidneys, lungs, mucus membranes, bladder, fluid content. It can lead to swellings, heaviness and accumulations of mucus in the body. It increased by the salty, sour and sweet tastes e.g. salt, citrus fruits and refined sugars. Kapha is decreased by pungent, bitter and astringent tastes (e.g. turmeric, bitter green, black tea, ginger).
Here is a sample meal plan, herbs and spices to consider in winter months.
Read MoreOn my most recent trip to Sri Lanka I attended one of my mum’s yoga classes and learned this fantastic asana to help activate the ajna chakra, which is located between the eyebrows and is indigo in colour.
It governs insight, intuition and the function of brain, ears, eyes and the hypothalamus, which works with the pituitary gland to secrete and regulate a number of hormones. When it is at its full potential you are more able to stay calm under pressure, think more clearly and decisively, become more self aware and able to tap into your gut voice and intuition. It brings deep calm and steadiness.
Read MoreWe have all had moments that we’ve been triggered by a situation or person leading to an intense emotional response (sometimes ones we regret). Some are skilled or mindful enough to let that response be what it truly is – an emotion. They experience it, acknowledge it, allow it to dissipate. In the absence of this mindful processing or regulation that emotional response usually escapes, becoming a reaction. It is in this stage or the ‘heat of the moment’ that we can say or do things we may later regret.
Read MoreExperience powerful Sri Lankan Ayurvedic herbal steam inhalation therapy and a massage / release of key marma points along with heat therapy to help you loosen the congestion and heaviness of hay fever and blocked sinuses.
Suitable for both seasonal as well as chronic conditions.
Read More'When ojas is low the person is fearful, weak, worried, has deranged senses, poor complexion, weak mind, is rough and thin’ (Caraka Samhita Sutrasthana 17.73). However, a person with healthy ojas is calm, content & peaceful within, has strong immunity, digestion, potent fertility and endurance. There is a sparkle in the eye and a special ‘glow’ around them.
Read MoreSnapshots of our Spring Wellness Day 2019!
This day was designed to coincide with the Spring Equinox (today!) and provided a space to experience the cleansing and pausing between seasons preceding a Spring routine
We started with stimulating the thymus for immunity and then practiced invigorating and flowing asana (including lots of khatu pranam from the Yoga in Daily Life System) and pranayama, followed by a yummy, nourishing Spring friendly lunch and bliss balls for snacks, magnesium foot soaks and cleansing golden turmeric teas, healing massages, time for reflection and an uplifting yoga nidra
At various points in our lives we are all faced with moments of uncertainty. Here, we often fret, fight, resist, panic, lose our power in the battle for control and guarantees. Most of us can relate to one or all of these sentiments… I want this new possession / status / growth. I need this idea to work faster. I wish he / she / they would (…your intent goes here). I want this cycle to end.
The truth is that trying to deny or fight the reality of a situation is like fighting a rip tide. The harder you push the more it resists, and the more agitated you get. There are the rare few that seem to have life come easy, seem to be ok with anything, and are rewarded with the sweetness of their desires coming true. What are they doing differently?
Learning to read and align with the reality of your circumstance, understanding yourself and the web of universal timing using pausing and reflection can help you find not just the sweet spot but also help you ride life in a way that opens up a universe of possibilities so that the world really does become your oyster with or without your need/wish/desire going the way you initially expected.
Here are a few guidelines that may help…
Read MoreWe had a lovely little session exploring the link between kindness, mindfulness and well-being in the CBD last evening for this group of busy wellness seekers
Lots of practical breathing and meditation techniques and exploring anecdotes of how we can bring about a more healthy inner dialog through practice of ahimsa and mindful release of tension. Everyone left feeling light, clear and calm. Bliss!
Read MoreThe way we breathe is strongly linked to the way we feel. When relaxed, we breathe slowly, and when anxious we breathe more quickly.
When we inhale we take in oxygen (O2), creating a waste product carbon dioxide (CO2) when we breathe out. With relaxed breathing, the levels of O2 and CO2 we produce are balanced, allowing us to function efficiently. Exercise too leads to an increase in breathing rate to take in more O2 to fuel the muscles, thereby producing more CO2 being expelled, and the O2/CO2 levels are balanced. However, when we are anxious our breathing rate increases and this same process applies but our bodies are not working any harder ie we are not necessarily exercising and not using up any extra O2 and thus the CO2 level in blood concentration drops, creating a state of alkalosis. This is why we feel light-headed, tingly, clammy and sweaty.
One of the core principles of ayurveda is that 'like increases like'. Winter and that time in-between Winter and Spring when the cold is ‘melting’ is a time of year when the water and earth element are most dominant in nature - this is why we feel cold, heavy and blue and the incidence of phlegm, mucus, coughs and colds increase. If you are prone to these ailments and are thinking of a more natural route to healing this year, here are some handy guidelines…
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