Lockdown again. What uncertain times we are in. Reaching out today to share in the collective feelings of frustration and trying to stay clear-headed in response to a phenomenon that is not really up to us. A few things going through my mind today..
1. How connected are we as a species, no matter how remote or isolated? Seemingly unconnected actions weave around us like a web, really driving home the point that we are One, pulsating, connected whole. Waves belonging to one ocean, truly.
2. If we can hang tight for another 6 weeks by doing the right things and adhering to what is set out for us as a community we can minimise the spread and get out to the other side sooner than if we kept delaying and furthering the uncertainty.
3. Nothing is really certain, so while we make plans we must also plan to be open, receptive and responsive to the moment. This means letting go of our most treasured hopes and plans if we must, by placing trust and faith in a bigger truth than we can conceptualise in our minds